Laurence Rosenthal
A Film by
Conducted by Laurence Rosenthal
Orchestrations by Arthur Morton, Jack Hayes, Herbert W. Spencer, Laurence Rosenthal
Soundtrack released on La-La Land Records
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Select an instrument to view members of the Orchestra
Accordion Bass Bassoon Celli Cello Clarinet Drums Drums/Percussion Flute Fr Horn French Horn Guitar Harp Horn Horns Keyboards Oboe Percussion Piano/Keyboards Sax/Woodwinds Trombone Trumpet Tuba Viola Violin Violin Violin Woodwinds
Arnold Belnick
Norman Carr
Herman Clebanoff
Bonnie Douglas
David Frisina
Irv Geller
Reginald G. Hill
Anatol Kaminsky
Nathan Kaproff
Ezra Kliger
Murray Korda
Mark G. Kovacs
Alfred Lustgarten
Gordon Marron
Irma Neumann
David Newman
Stanley Plummer
Christopher Reutinger
Nathan Ross
Daniel Rothmuller
Haim Shtrum
Paul Shure
Jennifer Small
Marshal Sosson
Joseph Stepansky
Robert Sushel
Dorothy Wade