Batman: The Animated Series | |
Shirley Walker, Lolita Ritmanis | |
A Film by | |
Conducted by Shirley Walker | |
Orchestrations by Jeff Atmajian, Lisa Bloom, Steve Chesne, Harvey Cohen, Beth Ertz (Lee), Tim Kelly, Mark Koval, Michael McCuistion, Mark McKenzie, Tom Morse | |
Soundtrack released on La-La Land Records | |
Buy the CD! |
Select an instrument to view members of the Orchestra | ||
Accordian Bass Bassoon Celli Cello Clarinet Drums/Percussion Flute Guitar Harmonica Harp Horn Key Keyboard Keyboards Percussion Piano Piano/Keyboards Trombone Trumpet Tuba Viola Violin Violin Violin |
Violin | Rebecca | Barr | Dixie | Blackstone | Jackie | Brand | Robert | Brosseau | Ron | Clark | Bruce | Dukov | Henry | Ferber | Julie | Gigante | Diana Betty | Halprin | Pat | Johnson | Karen | Jones | Peter | Kent | Razdan | Kuyumjian | Dimitrie | Leivici | Kathleen | Lenski | Marvin | Limonick | Rene | Mandel | Ralph | Morrison | Irma | Neumann | Don | Palmer | Claudia | Parducci | Barbara | Porter | Debbie | Price | Steve L. | Scharf | David | Stenske | Jean | Sudbury | Robert | Sushel | Dorothy | Wade | Ken | Yerke |